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Filtering by Category: Miscarriage

Knowing God and Miscarriage

Jessalyn Hutto

“There was a time when miscarriage seemed like a foreign concept to me. I was young, recently married and could see only beautiful, healthy babies in my future. Yes, I had heard scary stories of women experiencing miscarriage. I had even been discipled by a woman who experienced the pain of multiple pregnancy losses (one of which I was privileged to see her bravely grieve through). And yet, I never thought it would happen to me.

My rosy perceptions of pregnancy all too quickly fell to pieces when we lost our first baby and they were completely crushed several years later when we lost another precious child at 17 weeks. Miscarriage had unforeseeably become a part of my reproductive story, and more importantly my spiritual story.

As I remember these painful experiences, I find myself grateful for the faithful men and women who poured their knowledge of our God into me as a young Christian. The Lord placed wise and gracious mentors in my path who stressed the importance of having a solid theological foundation to build my life upon. It was this theological foundation-this knowledge of our loving God-that prepared me to walk through these unforeseen and seemingly unbearable trials…”

Join me over at CBMW where I’m sharing three doctrines that have made all the difference.