Jessalyn Hutto
Here are some of the most interesting, encouraging, or thought-provoking articles I've read on the internet this week. Perhaps they will be a blessing to you as well...
The Nature of a Woman’s Nurture
“We see in God’s Word that womanhood cannot be described apart from talking about God’s image, the gospel, and how Jesus Christ is restoring us. Being made as a woman in God’s image is surely a wonder-full thing.”
Encounters With Grace
“God's grace does not leave us as we are. It is not an overlooking-grace or a grace that shrugs shoulders and says, "that's just the way you are." It's not a giving-up-grace or a giving-in-grace. It's not a grace that says everything is okay just the way it is.
Rather, God's grace is an all-transforming-grace.”
Putting the Cookies on the Lowest Shelf
“A wise preacher puts the cookies on the lowest shelf, finding a way to teach deep biblical truth in such a way that the simplest believer and the educated church member can both feed on the richness of God’s Word.”
Jimmy Carter and the Progressive Roots of Sunday School
“At “Sunday school,” they would learn reading and writing, as well as moral and Biblical lessons. The classes were imbued with an ambient Christianity, to be sure, but their first purpose was to educate the poor.”
Made for More: Work + A Woman’s Calling
“We struggle to understand what it means to work as image bearers, at least in part, because in Western society we tend to think of “work” in terms of receiving a paycheck for a specific job. But when we define “work” in terms of salary and position instead of in terms of gifting and service, we communicate that anyone who does not draw a salary or work in the marketplace is somehow less human. And we end up elevating those who work in professional positions above than those who work in more mundane callings.”
How to be a Good Sounding Board for Your Husband
“Every wife influences her husband, and most husbands depend on their wives to be their primary sounding board. We color their perspectives on everything: work, manhood, children, friendship, the church, and God Himself. This is a great power and also a great responsibility. How can we do it well?”