Songs For Saplings By Dana Dirksen
Jessalyn Hutto
Are you familiar with the concept of catechizing? It sounds like a very stuffy, old, and boring term doesn’t it? In reality a catechism is just a summary of doctrinal beliefs written in question and answer format, for the purpose of memorization. It is a very useful tool for learning the foundations of Christian theology, and has historically been used to teach children the truths of Scripture at an early age. Still sounds stuffy? Let me try to help you see past the terminology. Listen to the way Kathy Keller describes the process of catechizing your children:
“… you are furnishing your child with the mental foundation on which the rest of his or her spiritual life will be built. Or, to switch metaphors, you are laying the kindling and the logs in the fireplace, so that when the spark of the Holy Spirit ignites your child’s heart, there will be a steady, mature blaze.” -Kathy Keller...
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